In a rather unusual episode of divine intervention and political drama, a priestess chose the hallowed grounds of the National Cathedral to deliver a sermon that was as much about politics as it was about spirituality. While churches are often places for messages of hope and compassion, this particular service took a sharp turn into the territories of trans rights and immigration, aiming its firepower right at none other than former President Donald Trump. One can’t help but wonder if this priestess from the Cathedral mistook her Red Bull for holy water; the energy she brought to the pulpit was something to behold.
During her sermon, she expressed concern for trans kids and illegal immigrants working in fields, invoking their plight as a divine agenda item. “I ask you to have mercy upon the people who are scared now,” she proclaimed, as if reading from a progressive script rather than an ancient scripture. One has to ask, was she channeling a religious figure, or was she simply auditioning for a spot as a woke social justice warrior? Because let’s be real, the combination of activism and a pulpit can be a tricky balance, and it seems she may have tumbled right off the tightrope of traditional values.
And then came the moment that had all but the most fervent of fans clicking “pause” and replay. JD Vance, the ever-stoic Ohio Senator, was caught on camera pulling his best Jim Halpert face, complete with the wide-eyed, “you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me” expression that we all know too well. His reaction was the perfect cherry on top of a bizarre cake—an expression that said, “Yes, folks, we’re officially living in a woke dystopia.” The moment went viral, not surprising, really; who doesn’t want to see a politician delivering a classic sitcom face? It’s the kind of magic we can expect in an election year, a hallmark of the absurdity of our times.
What’s even more entertaining is that the message from the pulpit seemed to ignore what many Americans are actually concerned about. Citizens are worried about keeping their jobs, paying their bills, and finding community in a country that often feels divided. It’s ironic that a sermon meant to unify was fraught with the same divisive language that has become staple fare in our political diet. A cheeky jab at Trump may sound great among select crowds, but it does little to heal rifts that are broader than two sides of a coin.
The priestess may want to consult her Bible—and by that, we mean actually read it—not just for quotes that empower her agenda but for the overall message. Because it seems clear that in her eagerness to lecture a former president on morality, she missed the great irony of her spiritual improv: that true faith is about kindness, love, and understanding, not about lecturing others with a self-righteous tone from a pulpit. Maybe, just maybe, we could all use a little less wokeness and a little more wisdom, especially from those claiming to hold the moral high ground. After all, in the arena of politics, it’s hard to run a successful campaign when all you’ve got is a sermon and a smirk.