WARNING! You'll Need a Gas Mask Soon....

If you don't own a gas mask already, consider getting one.


Because according to this report, an event is about to take place across that could impact you and everyone you know.

This is something the mainstream media has been purposely ignoring.

They're trying to keep us in the dark because they don't want to incite widespread hysteria.

However, several sources, including the U.S. Congressional Advisory Board, have stated:

This is a nationwide Code Red-level event that could wipe out 9 out of every 10 people, while leaving the rest of the population in ruins.

What's worse, senior scientist at , Dr. Michael Frankel predicts it could happen at any moment.

Certainly within the next 48 hours.

If you or your loved ones don't own a gas mask, or the 4 essential items listed on this page, I suggest you watch this presentation, make a list of these items, then drive down to your local hardware store to pick them up.

Time is of the essence.

This event could unfold in 48 hours or less.

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