In a nation where political correctness reigns supreme, a wild new idea is currently sparking chatter in the corridors of power: preemptive pardons! Yes, it appears that President Joe Biden is preparing to don his superhero cape and bestow blanket amnesty to his comrades, enabling them to commit unspeakable acts without worrying about the long arm of the law. Who knew that keeping a crime family above the law was the latest trend? It’s like the ultimate “Get Out of Jail Free” card, and it’s not even Monopoly money!
Let’s not forget about Hunter Biden, the poster child for ethical quandaries and laptop scandals, who has already secured his stylish entry into the unofficial “Presidential Pardons Hall of Fame.” The White House press secretary is out there, dodging questions like a pinball machine, all while old Joe lovingly reviews his pardon options for a list of unidentified miscreants. It seems that every time the Democrats try to accuse Donald Trump of something, they inadvertently expose their own theatrics. Talk about projection; their favorite pastime seems to be blaming Trump for things they themselves are guilty of.
Now hold onto your hats because, apparently, there’s more! Biden’s administration is allegedly discussing pardoning folks for crimes they haven’t even committed yet. Is it just me, or does this feel like a scene straight out of a dystopian novel? In the world of progressive politics, criminals are the new VIPs. Preemptively pardoning crime associates? Sounds like a plan! But let’s be real: if Trump had even considered such a thing during his tenure, the media would have danced in the streets proclaiming the end of democracy. Instead, silence blankets the situation like a winter snowfall, because the left is busy rewriting the rules of political engagement.
And then there’s the always entertaining showdown between the Democrats and their never-ending choir of virtue signaling. Enter stage left, Dan Goldman, a congressman aspiring for celebrity status, who is now pointing a finger at Trump for Biden’s likely actions. Yes, it’s Donald Trump’s fault that the Democrats are playing fast and loose with the rule of law. Apparently, the Democrats have forgot that their fearmongering about Trump’s supposed preemptive pardons has become the same narrative they’ve unintentionally woven into their own political fabric. It’s become a twisted game of “Who Dunnit,” where the primary suspects are somehow being framed and re-framed as victims.
But folks, the media spin only gets better from here. Every time a liberal gets called out, like cringe Jean-Pierre, they spin out a web of excuses so tangled that even the best Spider-Man would have trouble keeping it straight. Instead of admitting to lies about pardons and covering up for Hunter’s antics, they dance around questions like a waltz with a toddler on a sugar high. It’s a classic case of “Oh, you thought we’d actually be honest? Cute!” Are we really surprised that the Democrats would lie about something as insignificant as a potential pardon?
So let’s fast forward to the cherry on this political sundae—the “unraveling” of Hunter Biden’s case serving as a rallying cry for forgiveness, where both sides claim to be victims of political maneuvering. Meanwhile, Biden’s potential pardons are on the horizon, and his team is likely snickering as they prepare for the upcoming whispers of “but it’s not fair!” from those who strongly believe in holding politicians accountable—unless they’re Democrats, of course. So, folks, grab your popcorn, because with each new pardon comes more insight into just how far we’ve strayed from the rule of law. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to check out some conservative swag to show your support for real accountability while the political circus continues to unfold!