In a world full of turbulence, both in skies and political arenas, President Trump’s private aircraft stands as a gleaming symbol of luxury and power. Think of a sky-high palace with an opulence that could probably make even the most lavish land-dwellers feel like peasants. President Trump doesn’t do anything by halves, so naturally, his Boeing 757, affectionately known as “Trump Force One,” is more than just a flying machine; it’s an airborne masterpiece etched with gold.
Inside this $100 million marvel, the gold could, quite literally, redress a Greyhound bus — if anyone were inclined to melt it down for such a peculiar makeover. From the seat belts to the sockets that keep the lights aglow, each detail sparkles with golden extravagance. Ceiling panels are soft ultra-suede, a far cry from the scratchy service textiles of commercial flights, and passengers are cradled in seats of high-grade leather. If you think magicians bag rare rabbits, try cabinets of rare mahogany, all part of this flying fortress’s extraordinary interior design.
President Trump gives more than a passing glance to every detail, much like a knight who surveys his armor before battle. He ensures the cleanliness sparkles almost with the same urgency as he inspects the cockpit, where expert pilots command the sky. Trump insists on perfection, and frankly, one might suspect that the airplane itself would be programmed to report should an errant dust particle dare to make itself known.
And why wouldn’t he expect nothing but perfection? After all, the Rolls-Royce engines are not there just to look impressive; they offer unmatched reliability and audibility. In a world where even airport noise restrictions can be a nuisance, these engines pack quite the punch, propelling the jet to an impressive altitude at a rate that would put many a commercial flight to shame.
While President Trump circles high above political rivals below, the flight attendant prepares refreshments for the short trip. As he soars, Trump’s worries seem far removed from the quotidian concerns most face on cramped economy seats. At 42,000 feet he remains, quite literally, on top of the world.