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Michelle Abandons Barack: Inauguration Absence Fuels Divorce Speculation

Michelle Obama has made waves again, and this time it’s not for her healthy eating initiatives or education efforts. Rather, it’s her conspicuous absence from Donald Trump’s inauguration that has people scratching their heads. While Barack is set to attend, it seems Michelle has opted for a tropical getaway over rubbing elbows with the man she’s criticized more than her single-serving holiday fruitcake. You have to wonder—what’s really going on in the Obama household?

Now, let’s be clear—Michelle Obama skipping Trump’s inauguration isn’t exactly shocking. After all, she’s been a vocal critic of Trump since he took office, like a reality TV star who can’t help but jump into every drama, even when it’s not about them. Her excuses have ranged from scheduling conflicts (coincidentally starting with her vacation in Hawaii) to just general disdain for Trump himself. I mean, who can blame her? It sounds like the holiday spirit just didn’t want to go to Washington, D.C.

Barely a month after skipping the funeral of Jimmy Carter, where she would have been seated next to the former president, one can’t help but notice a pattern—perhaps even a desire to avoid engaging in anything that remotely resembles a civil interaction with Trump. Could it be that she’s plotting her next move, or is it merely the antics of a first lady feeling left behind as “his presidency” rolls on without her?

In her latest attempt to connect with the masses, Michelle posted a lonely holiday message in which she shared her anxiety and uncertainty about the world, a sentiment seemingly directed at no one in particular. With videos featuring herself, alone and deep in thought, viewers couldn’t help but feel a touch of sympathy—if it weren’t so cringe-worthy. She meandered through bookstores, presumably looking for a self-help section that could help her navigate this barren landscape of post-Obama life. Nothing quite says “I’m thriving” like filming yourself wandering through empty aisles, now does it?

So what’s next for Michelle Obama? Will she keep up her one-woman show, or will she finally acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, her ongoing absence from political events—those too filled with testosterone and competing egos—is a sign of something larger? After all, she is the only former first lady not attending the inauguration, while her counterparts, the Clintons and Bushes, are packing their bags for a reunion of sorts. Whatever the case may be, one thing is clear: the media circus will be watching, ready to pounce on any hint of discord in the Obama camp, or perhaps an indication that old wounds from the past are still fresh and festering.

While some speculate if Michelle’s vacation antics hint at marital strife or if she’s simply just tired of staying in the spotlight, one thing’s for sure—the world is curious about her next move. Can we expect glimpses of Michelle standing alongside Barack again, or will we continue to see her traipse around bookstores and empty rooms, hoping someone will recognize the former first lady who may soon be looking for a new chapter of her own? As they say in the political world, stay tuned!