Protesters have begun to take to the streets in California and now Phoenix, waving the Mexican flag while making their voices heard against American values. This sight has left many Americans frustrated and outraged. It raises the question: how far have we strayed from the values that built this nation? These actions challenge the principle of assimilation that is vital for a united nation.
When individuals wave the flag of another country while protesting, it raises serious concerns about their commitment to America. Those who come here must understand that with the privilege of living in the United States comes the responsibility to respect its laws and traditions. For anyone engaging in protests against America while waving the Mexican flag, it’s time for a wake-up call. If you do not respect the land that is offering you opportunities, perhaps it is time to reconsider your place here.
This sentiment resonates strongly among those who have immigrated to the United States legally and truly value the freedoms and opportunities this country provides. The real concern should be for those who have played by the rules, who respect the American flag and what it stands for. They understand the sacrifices made by countless individuals who fought for this nation’s freedom. It is imperative to acknowledge the difference between legal immigrants, who contribute positively to the fabric of our society, and those who blatantly disregard our laws.
Even more unsettling is the notion that non-citizens expect due process and rights in a country where they entered illegally. If you break the law to get here, you should not enjoy the privileges that come with citizenship. That means if you engage in illegal activities or show blatant disrespect for the national symbols of this country, you should face immediate consequences, including deportation. The process should not be convoluted by bureaucratic red tape for those who chose to violate our laws.
We must stand firm against these actions and remind everyone of the values that make America great: respect for the nation, appreciation for those who came before us, and the understanding that entitlement has no place here. It is time to send a clear message: America is a land of opportunity, but with opportunity comes the expectation of respect. As such, individuals who come here must align themselves with the traditional American values that have made this country the greatest in the world. If they cannot do that, then perhaps they should reconsider whether they truly belong here.